Debuting at the 2008 Edinburgh Festival Fringe...


"The Americans" is a fast-paced, absurd, multimedia sketch comedy show parodying American family, politics, and culture. When money problems hit the once wealthy Americans, the family members scramble to gain control of their crumbling world. Republican dad Sam takes desperate measures to reverse his growing credibility gap. Left-wing mom Libby vows to maintain the household's feng shui. Spoiled daughter Mary chases celebrity while fending off advances from her boyfriend Ira Raq. What will happen to The Americans?
From UpTop Productions: Comedy Central's Jeff Kreisler, Anne Teutschel and Anna Moore.

"Brilliant, cutting satire" - Lizz Winstead, creator of "The Daily Show"  

"A punchy multimedia sketch show parodying US political culture... the irreverence of American Dad and the borderline slapstick of Mr Show, the three Americans donŐt just represent the stereotypical US family, they are ciphers for the competing claims on the nationŐs future...
Daily Show-style satirical... The Americans succeeds in being a colourful and engaging portrait of our stateside cousins."- Metro

"a laugh-out-loud script" - BroadwayBaby

"strong performances... an excellent send-up" - Fest Mag

"The cast are all very good... the story is an entertaining one and there are a lot of very funny moments as the family take us through recent American history... This is the show to see especially if youŐre a fan of programmes such as The Daily Show." - The Groggy Squirrel

Press Features
On the BBC
The Scotsman
The Skinny


General Info
Jeff (at) jeffkreisler (dot) com
+ 1.800.529.2765
UK 0789.288.4287 (inactive 1 Sept. 08)

Edinburgh Press Contact
The Green Room Presents | PR

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For Jeff Kreisler '08
(at The Stand Comedy Club)

please visit


Feature on the BBC






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